Monday, July 7, 2008

Rescued Pandas

The earthquake was right in the area where giant pandas live. Most pandas are protected well, especially those babies, even if they were scared.

Right after the earthquake they rushed out
and some stayed together.

People quickly rescued the pandas...

Giving them milk

After a meal

Look at this baby!

And, these babies...

Discover Open Road

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Be Enthusiastic!

Workers constructing the Statue of Liberty - 1883

"Be active, be energetic, be enthusiastic and faithful, and you will accomplish your object. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, May 12, 2008

Egg City

This the work of Dutch artist, Henk Hofstra.
It is a new environmental art project called Art Eggcident in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands.

The eggs you see are about 100 feet wide.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Fish Kiss!

Seeing Eye Cat

Thursday, April 24, 2008

See The Baby?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Angry Sandwich

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Kiss Question

It's your first kiss...

Several questions come to mind:

Is it the right time?

Is anyone watching?

Does your partner even want to?

Is your breath fresh?

AND --------
Should you use some tongue?

Then you say to yourself
"What the hey! I'm gonna go for it!!!"

Bet You Never Noticed This Before

Bored Gym Teacher

professional juggler and basketball entertainer who holds the
Guinness record for bounce-juggling 11 balls.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Masterful Illusion

This may look like a mirror image of white markings. Look closer and see if you can tell what the artist intended you to experience.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hand Face

Can you count the number of hands it took to make this face?

Well, Hello There!


Sunday, April 6, 2008

Mysterious Floating Rock

This mysterious floating rock has baffled many who see it as an optical illusion. Or, has someone been in the photo shop?

Is This Real?

After reading this post, you may say to yourself, "Now I've seen it all." That's exactly what Tony from Los Angeles said about this photo:

"I swear on my life this is 100% real. I was walking down the street looking for stuff to photograph and this guy is just sitting outside a coffee shop with this 80 year old woman and he is taking these little sofa things out of a bag. Then he opens another compartment in the bag and there are about five lizards like this guy. Then he would pose them and they would just sit there like this. Don't really know why.

He didn't really explain much but he did say they take about three months to train them to do this. I didn't bother asking if he only trained his lizards to sit in relaxing human posses or if there were other ones too. The whole thing was just to oddly perfect, I really didn't need him to go in to detail.

Also I like the surprising detailed craftsmanship of the sofa. Now I can say I've truly seen it all!"

Seeing is believing. Or, is it?

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Is It Real? Then, What Is It?

This picture has intrigued many and has been the source of discussion as to it's validity. The question is simple: Is it real? And, if so what kind of a "bunny" is it? What do you think?

How To Find Anyone's Email Address In 30 Seconds

Ever thought about someone you lost touch with and wondered what became of them. Then you do what most people do and Google their name and possibly the city where you last saw them. If they have an unusual name, chances are you might be able to track them down.

But, what if this method doesn't work? Then what? After all , all you want to do is send a quick email. So, how do you find an "unlisted" email address?

Here are 3 tips:

1. If you know where they might work, find out what the company format is for email addresses. For example, if it's, then try Googling the name of the person as an email address with that format.

2. Google their full name with the word "email." Chances are, there is an article about them that includes their email address.

3. This is probably the fastest and easiest way to find someone's email address: Use an email search engine. These engines will search thousands of addresses based on the info you provide and narrow your search to possible choices. Try it now. Just click on this link and enter someone's first and last name, approximate age, and state.
FREE Email Search

Friday, April 4, 2008

The Human Cartoon

Ennio Marchetto is an internationally known quick-change with a different approach to his form of entertainment. Watch and find out why the call him The Human Cartoon!

Birds Live Inside Aquarium With Fish

Perfect Harmony
At first glance, this looks like a typical aquarium. Closer examination shows birds in a cage in the middle of the watery home. The plastic encasement keeps the water out and still provides proper air supply from above.
Post a comment below.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Strange Real Life Optical Illusion

Here is one of those things from real life that makes you look twice when you first notice it. Very strange indeed.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Are You Sure You'd Like To Live There?

These homes say a lot about the people who live in them. One of these humble abodes is actually a water tower that the town thought was too unsightly, so they disguised it as a house. Can you tell which one?

Friday, March 28, 2008

Batman Cat

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Lincoln with A Modern Day Haircut

This picture was taken by photographer, Lewis E. Walker
in February, 1865. Lincoln's hair was so unruly, it stood on end.